Harry Potter and the werewolves attackThe Hogwarts Express will depart on September 1st. Harry, Ron, and Hermione came on board together. The three of them sat together. The…May 9, 20231May 9, 20231
House SparrowsHouse sparrow was once widespread and abundant but it has become a mystery bird at many localities in recent times. Perky and bustling…Nov 15, 2022Nov 15, 2022
What happened when I went trekkingI was very excited as me and my family went trekking in the Amazon Rainforest.Oct 27, 2022Oct 27, 2022
The strongest animal in the world!This is going to be a surprise is it an elephant, a rhino, a hippo, a gorilla, a tiger, a lion or an anaconda!!!Aug 21, 2022Aug 21, 2022
The Lions and the ZebrasOnce upon a time, there was a family of lions and one family of zebras.Jul 3, 2022Jul 3, 2022
Save hipposHippos are commonly disliked by humans and say they are ugly black pigs that are super slow and are useless.Mar 7, 2022Mar 7, 2022
1 reptile that can definitely existThe first reptile is the Rockodile it’s like a crocodile but it rocks with a guitar it is leaf green in colour. It’s found in Paris.Jun 16, 20211Jun 16, 20211