What happened when I went trekking

Aryaman Sharma
Oct 27, 2022


I was very excited as me and my family went trekking in the Amazon Rainforest.

Amazon Rainforest

We live in India so it was a 28 hour flight!!

We saw many animals Jaguars, Eagles, Pink Dolphins, spider monkeys, Orb weaver spiders, Armadillos, Ocelots, Bats, Jaguarundis and Poison Dart Frogs (Which we a avoided as they were poisonus).

We made a tent and etc.

We slept all night dreaming about are adventure at the next day.

Next morning we were trecking through the jungle and climed many trees.

We also met many makaws climbing!!!

Then the next we were leaving 😞

There were so many animals we missed.

But there is always a next time😁.



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